Why You Are A Stranger To Yourself

As Jim Morrison sang: “People are strange, when you’re a stranger.”

And we’re all strange. We’re almost all strangers to ourselves.

But why?

Because we don’t know what we really want… because it’s safer to want what others think they want than to take a chance on really discovering yourself.

The doorman from Fight Club said: “If you don’t know what you want, you end up with a lot you don’t.”

But if you are willing to explore your heart’s desire… the benefits are many.

First… when you succeed, the satisfaction will be profound and lasting. The next raise, the next toy, and the next personal best in the gym all ring hollow if they aren’t related to your mission.

But when your goals and breakthroughs are tied to something special to you… when you feel all of them filled with meaning… the journey is amazing, the destination is amazing, and you’re excited to discover what comes next.

Second… one of the most powerful gravity switches is having meaningful goals.

When you discover what you really want, and why you really want it, you take a step away from the herd.

You stand out.

You build gravity.

The ones who actually follow their heart (easy to talk about, not easy to do) become leaders… intentionally or otherwise.

So here’s to your leadership.

Here’s to your meaningful mission