The Secret of Burning Desire…

Back in the esrly 2000s, I always felt sad reading Napoleon Hill.

I wanted success.

I just didn’t want it enough to call it a burning desire.

I tried wanting it more… but that didn’t seem to work.

I tried coming up with more reasons why… but that only changed it a little.

I tried coming up with more audacious goals (why make millions when I could make trillions)… but the bigger they got, the more distant and unlikely they seemed.

Why Make Millions When I Can Make Trillions…

Karate sort of answered the question for me.

I spent years reading books about martial arts… and watching kung fu flicks.

Then I spent years looking for a good martial arts school in northwest Florida. All told, I visited over 20 different schools. 

In most cases, the style didn’t look like something I wanted to learn. In some cases, I couldn’t imagine training with the instructor.

Any time I found a place I really liked (two, that I can remember), it was too far away to train regularly (60 minutes in one case and 90 minutes in the other).

Then I moved to Colorado Springs.

And as luck would have it… the third school I walked into was the one I trained at for the next 7 years.

It was a special time in my life.

I was doing something I loved, and I was doing it for me. It was frequently painful… but it was the kind of pain that lights up your eyes.

…but it was the kind of pain that lights up your eyes

At first, I mostly went in twice a week.

Over time I started showing up as often as I could… three to five times a week, and sometimes multiple times per day.

In 2005, I earned my Black Belt in Coppock’s Kenpo Karate.

Where did I get the Burning Desire?

I don’t have a complete answer, but I have an important piece.

Gradual persistence.

I kept coming back.

And I continued to invest more over time.

Too much too fast, and I quit.

But the implementation of my karate obsession was gradual.

I also had fun on the path.  I really enjoyed training in kenpo.  Even before that… I enjoyed checking out new martial arts schools.

There was also a strong community.  I really liked my fellow students.

And possibly more important… I found a great instructor.

You don’t have to have all of these to discover your burning desire… but if you don’t have any of them… you’re gonna have a Hell of a time.

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